Friday, February 22, 2013

7:43 PM 1

Gua Maria Karmel Lembang

Feb 2013
Gua Maria Karmel terletak di Jl Karmel II/51 Lembang, lokasinya di sebelah Hotel Pesona Bamboe (sebelah kiri jalan satu arah). Dari lantai 2 bungalow Hotel Pesona Bamboe tempat kami menginap dapat terlihat bangunan Griya Fatima, Kapelnya terletak di sebelah Griya.
Di dalam kompleks ini ada Biara Pertapaan Suster-suster dari Ordo Carmelit (OCD), Kapel Santa Maria Fatima dari Gunung Karmel dan Gua Maria lengkap dengan jalur jalan salib yang berupa taman, dan ada juga Patung Pieta Yesus.

Suster-suster OCD ini adalah pertapa sehingga peziarah harus menjaga ketenangan saat berada di wilayah ini, ziarah tidak dilakukan dalam rombongan besar dan tidak diperkenankan menggunakan pengeras suara.

Kami mengikuti Misa pagi jam 08.00 dan homili pasturnya lumayan panjang, penuh dengan sindiran-sindiran tapi lucu juga, jadi ga ngantuk :p Kapelnya tidak terlalu besar, tapi petugas koornya banyak dan suaranya bagus. Dan ada sisi/ruangan khusus di samping bawah altar tempat Suster-suster OCD. Tidak ada kursi, hanya alas karpet, jadi saat umat duduk mereka berlutut, aduh ga kesemutan dan kram apa ya.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

7:12 PM 0

The Valley Bistro Cafe

Feb 2013
The Valley Bistro Cafe located at Jl Lembah Pakar Timur 2, Bandung. The location is great, has a lovely ambiance and atmosphere to hangout. They offering various menus : Western, Oriental, Japanese and Indonesian Food.
The Western food we ordered was tasteless, it also served cold. The zuppa soup was a little bit salty.  The price is quite pricey.
If you only want to see the scenery of the city at night, lovely scenic view of Bandung City, you can go here. Recommend to who seeks a good view, romantic, candlelight dinner, couple, not recommend if you seek good quality food and beverage.

Monday, February 11, 2013

8:19 PM 1

Hummingbird Eatery

Feb 2013
Hummingbird located at Jl Progo No 14, Bandung, this location is perfect in the center of Bandung city.
Hummingbird can be easily recognized from its look alike white bird nest that covers the outdoor seats. They preserves the stature of the old colonial house it resides in but revamping the interiors only with modern style minimalist concept that relies heavily on woodwork.
Served Western and Indonesian food, but more specialized for their Western menu and desserts. It comes with a mid price although the seats are not too comfortable.
Really enjoy my time in Hummingbird, great presentation of the dish, taste good and huge portions. Definitely will come back!
Ice Pandan Tea 16.5K
Matca Milkshake 29.5K
Wildberry Eton Mess Ice Cream 36.5K
Pancake Amazila 29.5K
Wild Mushroom Soup 22.5K
Kenny's Minibites 34.5K
Smoked Salmon Pasta 52.5K